Wednesday, July 15, 2009

26 weeks!

As of today I am 26 weeks pregnant, and my neighbor had their little girl yesterday. I just can't wait until I get to see our little girl. I'm starting to look at things in a more positive light...I have to. If I keep thinking "what if it happens again" I am going to go nuts. So, from this point forward I am making a vow to NOT think negatively about how this birth is going to go!

People say your first is always different than your other kids. That your first will always be more "exciting" because they ARE the first and everything is new. I understand that now, and I don't like it! When I was pregnant with Nathan I talked to him all the time, Lawrence feel asleep on my stomach, etc. With her we are doing the same, but not as often. We were talking about it last night and have come to the conclusion that we are doing it for two reasons; we know that once she comes Nathan is going to be jealous so we are trying to make these last few months focusing on him (probably a bad idea thinking about it), and with Nathan every little thing was exciting. For instance, when I would have ligament pain we would both freak out and worry that something was wrong. Now, when I have that, it's just...oh yeah, ligament pain, no biggie.

Yesterday was an intersting doctors apt. Basically, I asked Dr. Housel if he had a specific day that he did csections? He said he didn't, that we could do it whenever he doesn't have office hours. That if we wanted it on a Saturday, or at night, that would be fine. What?! So, basically we get to PICK when our baby comes?! That seems so odd to me, how do we decide this? It's weird that I keep thinking, "OK, when would it be easier for everyone to come in? When will it be easier to have someone watch Nathan?" I also found out that the baby is breach, which isn't a big deal since we are having a csection, but that explains why I feel the flutters on my bladder! :)

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